









【新品/在庫あり】FUJIFILM X100V シルバー コンパクトデジタルカメラ 富士フイルム

価格:320,783円 (2023/5/19 15:36時点) 感想(0件)

↑の写真が撮れるカメラの最新機種はこちらです↑ 少し安くなっている!!このチャンスにぜひ!!

【新品】FUJIFILM X100V [ブラック]

価格:279,800円 (2023/5/19 15:38時点) 感想(0件)

↑こちらも↑ オールブラック派の筆者はこちらの方がライカ感強くて好き。ほんと、ジャパニーズライカですね。

【中古】【1年保証】【美品】FUJIFILM X-E3 レンズキット XF 18-55mm R LM OIS シルバー

価格:167,800円 (2023/5/19 15:44時点) 感想(0件)


【中古】【1年保証】【美品】FUJIFILM X-E3 単焦点レンズキット XF 23mm F2 R WR シルバー

価格:169,800円 (2023/5/19 15:46時点) 感想(0件)

↑こちらはキットレンズではなくて23㎜の単焦点レンズセットです↑ だいぶお手頃ですが、移りはお値段以上の確かなものですので気になった方はこちらのリンクからどうぞ!  






これまでの日本の経済を支えてきた全ての方に、ビッグラブです🫶🏻 あなたがたが居たから、日本は成長してこれたのです。









あなたに、夢や守るべき家族が出来た時に、今の給料のままで暮らすことができるだろうか? 月々使っていたお金を絞って回すべきところに回すとなると手元に残るお金は限りなく0に近づいていると私は思います。

その状況になっても、今のままで十分だと言えるだろうか? 夫婦だけで暮らしていくのであれば賄えるかもしれない家計も、子どもが増えていくにつれて掛かるお金は鰻登りに増えていく。













現実を変えられるのは、いつでも行動を起こしたひとだけです。 あなたが目の前の見えている世界に変化を起こしたいのであれば、行動を起こすしかないんです。


変化することに慣れましょう。 あなたが一つの会社だけで一生を終えないようにするためにする行動は、変化に慣れるということです。 少しの変化に慣れていかないと、会社を辞めることも何かを始めることにも億劫になってしますからね。


↑先ずは基本的な服装から変えてみませんか?↑ 洋服や髪型を変えることは真っ先にできる変化です。こういう変化を少しづつやっていくことで大きな変化にも対応できるようになります。ルーティンを少し崩すことのできる勇気があなたに大きな一歩を踏ませることができるんですよ。




え?と思うヒトも多いかと思いますが、あなたはAT Mや銀行の窓口で手数料を取られた記憶はありませんか?あなたが100万円の預金をしていたとして、1年間預けて約100円増えます。

ですが、手数料で200円以上取られていることをお忘れではありませんか?あなたが手数料を一度でも払っているのであれば、それは実質マイナスになっているということなんです。 それを言われても、銀行にお金を預けるだけでいいのですか?



ですが、やり方を覚えるだけで儲けられる確率は銀行に預けるよりも遥かに高いんです。 1年間で損していた分を補填することは少なからずできると思います。うまくやれば、想像以上の利益につながることだってある。そういう変化をする頃合は今だって思うんですよね。



あなたが変化を恐れないことが大きな変化を生むきっかけになるからね。 少しの変化があなたに転職する勇気やきっかけを与えるし、副業や複業をする力だってくれる。 一つのことに縛られずに可能性のあることをなんでもできるようになれば、考え方も一つに拘らなくなるし、偏りのない考えで過ごせるようになりますよ! あなたの可能性を無限大に拡げていきましょうね!






The 42nd

Hello, everyone! Gumo! 🖐️

Today has begun. Well, to be honest, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it had already started, and you know what? If we consider life as a continuous journey, then there hasn’t been a single moment when it has truly ended.

Every day is not the end! This is just a checkpoint!! Let’s call it a day! 🤪

Thank you very much for always accompanying me in my little dramas. Please rest assured that it’s not because I’m emotionally unstable. I just lack a bit of composure. 😇

Since it wouldn’t make sense to dwell on the preface, let’s get right into it without further ado!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m happy to have a reason to update because there are people who are willing to go along with me.

Thanks to you, I am able to update my blog today. Thank you very much.

Oh, seriously… Ookiniya de. 🙏🏻 (It’s a phrase in the Kansai dialect that means “thank you” or “I appreciate it.” Sorry for the sudden switch.)

I understand that as the author who has never had a serious conversation in the preface, it might be frustrating, but let’s get right into it without further ado!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


【新品/在庫あり】FUJIFILM X100V シルバー コンパクトデジタルカメラ 富士フイルム

価格:320,783円 (2023/5/19 15:36時点) 感想(0件)

↑の写真が撮れるカメラの最新機種はこちらです↑ 少し安くなっている!!このチャンスにぜひ!!

【新品】FUJIFILM X100V [ブラック]

価格:279,800円 (2023/5/19 15:38時点) 感想(0件)

↑こちらも↑ オールブラック派の筆者はこちらの方がライカ感強くて好き。ほんと、ジャパニーズライカですね。

【中古】【1年保証】【美品】FUJIFILM X-E3 レンズキット XF 18-55mm R LM OIS シルバー

価格:167,800円 (2023/5/19 15:44時点) 感想(0件)


【中古】【1年保証】【美品】FUJIFILM X-E3 単焦点レンズキット XF 23mm F2 R WR シルバー

価格:169,800円 (2023/5/19 15:46時点) 感想(0件)

↑こちらはキットレンズではなくて23㎜の単焦点レンズセットです↑ だいぶお手頃ですが、移りはお値段以上の確かなものですので気になった方はこちらのリンクからどうぞ!  


If you’re not attached to your current company, why not consider a job change?

While the saying “A rolling stone gathers no moss” has been ingrained in us since long ago, I believe that since the era of lifetime employment has ended, there is no longer a reason to be fixated on a single company. That’s how I’ve come to think.


Of course, I hold deep respect for those who work for a single company and reach retirement with dedication.


My motto is to keep going, so I gain tremendous courage from those who diligently continue doing the same thing.


To all those who have supported Japan’s economy thus far, I send my big love. 🫶🏻 It is because of all of you that Japan has been able to grow.

I truly appreciate that you have contributed to creating such a wonderful era.


Let’s bring the conversation back. I wonder how much your salary will actually increase from the time you join your current company until you retire, which could span several decades.

Even if it’s a large company, you can start to see the salary ceiling.

If you want to increase your annual income more than what you currently earn, job changes or side gigs have become essential in today’s world.

If you’re satisfied with your current company and enjoying your work with a satisfactory salary, this may not be a relevant topic for you. However, I hope you can take a look at it for reference.

In this day and age, salaries don’t increase as drastically based on performance as they used to, and fewer companies are following the seniority-based system.

If the GDP remains the same, there is no doubt that salaries will not only fail to rise but may even decline.

Given that situation, can you live with your current salary when you have dreams or a family to support? If you redirect your monthly expenses to where they should be spent, I believe the money left in your hands will approach zero.

Even in that situation, can you say that your current situation is sufficient? While you might be able to manage your household budget if it’s just you and your spouse, the expenses will skyrocket as the number of children increases.

Do you still think you can make it work?


The uncertainty of the future is what makes us anxious.

Increasing your annual income and living a better life than staying in your current workplace can significantly elevate your happiness.

To increase happiness, you have a few options: either change jobs to raise the salary ceiling, start a side gig, or establish your own business.



In the current era, many people are pursuing side businesses or startups while working as employees.

For those who think it’s too early for a startup, starting as a sole proprietorship can be a good option.

Having your own business allows you to take advantage of tax benefits, making it easier to adjust your tax payments compared to being solely an employee.

By establishing a business, you may be eligible to receive refunds from the government. As an employee, you are subject to a fixed amount of tax withholding, but as a business owner, the types of taxes you pay to the government change, and you may receive a refund if you have overpaid.

Even if you continue spending money as before, you can receive returns, which means your net income increases.

After hearing all this, do you still intend to spend your entire life with just one company?

Those who take action are the ones who can change their reality. If you want to bring about a change in the world you see in front of you, you have no choice but to take action.

The world doesn’t move unless something changes. Because you are not afraid of change, there is a world that can be changed.

Let’s get used to change. Taking action to ensure you don’t spend your entire life with just one company means getting accustomed to change. If you don’t get used to even small changes, you may become reluctant to quit your job or start something new.


How about starting with changing your basic attire? Altering your clothing and hairstyle is one of the first changes you can make. By gradually incorporating such changes, you can become more adaptable to bigger transformations. Having the courage to disrupt your routine a little can propel you forward with a significant step.


↑ After changing your clothing, why not try getting into stock investing? ↑

Once you become accustomed to changing the flow of your daily life, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the changes in your financial flow.

Simply depositing your earnings into a savings account won’t make your money grow. Banks are not institutions for accumulating money; they are institutions that deplete your funds.

You may be wondering, “What about ATMs or bank fees?” Have you ever had the experience of being charged fees at an ATM or bank counter? Let’s say you had a deposit of 1 million yen and left it there for a year. It would only increase by around 100 yen.

However, have you forgotten that you have been charged more than 200 yen in fees? If you have paid any fees, your account is effectively in the negative. But even if you say that, is it enough to just deposit money in a bank?

Of course, there is no investment that guarantees a definite increase in your money.

There is no investment that always brings profits.

However, by simply learning the right approach, your chances of making profits are much higher compared to depositing money in a bank. I believe you can make up for any losses incurred over the course of a year. With skillful execution, you may even achieve profits beyond your imagination. I think now is the time to make such a change.


Let’s start by trying with a small amount first.

Your fearlessness towards change can be a catalyst for significant transformations. Even a small change can give you the courage and opportunity to switch jobs, engage in side gigs, or pursue multiple professions. Once you become capable of exploring possibilities beyond being tied to a single endeavor, your mindset will become more flexible, and you’ll lead a more balanced and open-minded life! Let’s expand your infinite potential!

Happiness always comes from embracing change.


Thank you very much for always reading. To those who have read this far, to those who have read partway through, and to those who have clicked on the advertisements, I am truly grateful. Thank you very much.

Let’s live happily today.

See you tomorrow!



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