


どうも、皆さま、ぐも🖐️ 今日も始まりました。







今日明日には梅雨入りって天気予報でも予報されてたので、そのうち雨降りますね。きっと。そうに違いない。 ということで、早速いっちゃいましょう。


【新品/在庫あり】FUJIFILM X100V シルバー コンパクトデジタルカメラ 富士フイルム

(2023/5/18 15:46時点)









個性を活かすのではなく、個性を潰すような社会はヒトをヒトだと判断できなくなると思うんです。 世の中にいじめが起こるのって、違うことに対して排除しようとする気持ちが起きるから、同士を募って違いを正そうとするんです。


同じようにしたいことも個性の一部ですし。 手の届く範囲から違いを認めていって、それがヒト伝いに伝染していけば世界はすぐに平和になるってそう思うんです。 そういうことを超不自然な自然の中に溶け込んでは思うんですよね。












遅かれ早かれやって来るのであれば、真っ向から立ち向かった方が早く克服できるからさ。 恐怖とは、どんなヒトにも備わっているリミッターみたいなもので、逃げてばかりいてはずっと付き纏ってくる。





あなたならできるよ。必ずうまくいくからね。 どんなことが起きてもなんとかなるからなんとかしてね。



意外とすぐに答えが見えるから。 ちょっとした大きなヒントを教えちゃったけど、上手に解決すると嬉しいな。 そんな壮大なことを、壮大な自然の中で思考する時間が私は好きです。  






Hello, everyone! It’s Gumo! Another day has begun.

↑ This way of starting feels like opening a shop or something. Just a random thought, sorry! 🙏

I tend to speak my mind immediately, so about 80% of my conversations are small talk. Thank you so much to everyone who always listens to me. I’m truly filled with gratitude. Seriously, thank you so much! ← What happened all of a sudden?

Jokes aside, here in Ishigaki Island, where I am, the rainy season is about to arrive, and recently the sudden downpours have been significant. Today, the wind was so strong that it felt like a typhoon, and something kept knocking on my door, making me check outside multiple times. Truly, the rainy season is mysterious, isn’t it? ← Where did the rain go?

The weather forecast also predicted the start of the rainy season today or tomorrow, so it will surely rain soon. No doubt about it. So, let’s get right to it.

Don’t you sometimes feel like exploring in the forest?

I also have a liking for greenery, and even when I’m taking photos, I end up capturing more of the green elements. It’s not just about colors; there are moments when I feel like blending in with the grass, trees, and flowers, wanting to become one with nature. Of course, it’s not an everyday desire to blend in, but there are times when I feel like I need a recharge. It’s like being naturally guided when those moments suddenly arise…

By regularly immersing myself in the greenery and surroundings, I realize that nature is full of the unnatural.

Even though there are grasses growing in similar ways and leaves with similar shapes, none of them are exactly the same, and there are no trees growing in evenly spaced intervals.

Unlike how we as humans have been educated to line up and follow orders, there is no such uniformity in nature. That is proof of living in its true form.

Even though we should embrace everyone’s differences and promote the idea that being different is okay, I believe that in human society, there is a tendency to exclude and reject what is different.

I couldn’t fit into such a society. Or rather, I didn’t even want to try to fit in.

A society that suppresses individuality instead of embracing it makes it difficult to recognize one another as human beings. Bullying occurs in the world because there is a desire to exclude and correct differences.

On the contrary, if a world with natural acceptance of differences is established, such actions that harm individuality would cease to happen, wouldn’t they?

Wanting to do things differently is also part of one’s individuality. By acknowledging differences within our reach and allowing that understanding to spread among people, I believe the world can quickly become peaceful. That’s what I think as I strive to blend into this supernaturally unnatural nature.

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Humans are incredibly fragile within this universe, aren’t they?

To conceal this, they gather in groups and exercise social power and positions to establish dominance over others. Of course, if it’s instinctual, I believe that living in such a way is acceptable.

However, in doing so, there is a possibility that people other than oneself may not find happiness.

If I were to find happiness, I would like to do so without causing harm to anyone. Every individual has the right and destiny to be happy, and yet many people go through life without realizing this. Taking one’s own life is not a solution to escape from suffering.

It is through enduring hardships, even if it’s painful, that humans become strong. Through such experiences, they can become both strong and kind, ensuring that they do not inflict the same suffering on others.

When someone complains or expresses dissatisfaction, it’s not because their heart is impure, but because they fear causing the same suffering to others. So, please be understanding. It is by facing and overcoming difficulties that one can become kind.

Perhaps the reason you cannot be kind is because you do not want to witness others in distress. I hope that your kind heart can extend to the external world as well.

Even if you avert your eyes or look away, if someone before you is facing difficulties, eventually, you too will face such trials.

If they are bound to come sooner or later, it is better to confront them head-on and overcome them quickly. Fear is like a limiter present in every person; if you keep running away, it will constantly haunt you.

Unless you confront it, you cannot overcome it.

Beyond the challenges, there may be different fears, but with each conquest, you will undoubtedly grow.

The seeds of growth are hidden in the face of present difficulties, and if you cannot overcome them, not only will you fail to obtain those seeds, but they will delve deeper into your being.

Although it may sound like a wake-up call, rest assured that God will not give you challenges that you cannot overcome. That being said, there won’t be challenges that you can overcome immediately, so face them earnestly.

You can do it. It will work out somehow. Whatever happens, find a way to make it work.

Things are moving much more simply than you think. If you overcomplicate matters, even simple answers will become difficult equations, and time will pass by.

When you’re being creative, you can create infinite answers, but in the face of difficulties, try applying an incredibly simple and instantaneous formula.

Surprisingly, the answer will become apparent quickly. I’ve given you a small but significant hint, so I’ll be happy if you can solve things effectively.


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I love spending time contemplating these grand ideas in the midst of magnificent nature.

Please make sure that the forest where I blend in is not a human-made forest, but a lush natural forest teeming with vegetation.

I believe you need time for contemplation.

Happiness always comes from within the forest.

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Thank you very much for always reading and following along. To those who have read this far, those who have read partway through, and those who have clicked on an advertisement, I truly appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Let’s live happily today.

See you tomorrow.



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